
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
EP89: Chet Sandhu - Becoming Alpha
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Chet Sandhu is a former international drug smuggler, author, renowned podcast guest and founder of Alpha CBD+
In November 1999 he was arrested at gunpoint in Alicante Airport and subsequently charged with smuggling the largest haul of black market steroids in Spanish history, valued at more than half a million dollars.
Sentenced to four and a half years in prison, his book ‘From King of Karachi to Lockdown in the Costa Del Crime’ chronicles his life and drug smuggling operation, and tells the story of how he rose to the top of the hierarchy inside Fontcalent, one of Europe's toughest prisons, famed for its brutal conditions and high-profile inmates.
Today he spends his time growing his company Alpha CBD+, one of the newest and fastest growing independent retailers of premium cannabidiol products. His ultimate aim is to provide the UK and European market with the best quality CBD products at the most competitive prices.
Now committed to making a positive difference, he’s given emotional and financial support to orphans, people in poverty and the homeless, he’s carer to four snakes, two Argentine tegu and two tortoises, and his podcast episodes with past Inspired Edinburgh guests James English and Shaun Attwood have been seen nearly a million times.
00:00 Trailer
00:30 Introduction
03:50 How have things changed since Chet’s first podcast with James English?
06:30 How can Chet convince others he has changed?
07:00 Chet on his popularity
09:00 The interest in true crime today
10:40 What is it like in prison?
15:10 Chet on his early life
18:50 Chet growing up
25:30 How much has Chet healed from the trauma of his early life?
28:20 Chet on his relationship with his parents
30:20 Chet on thinking about the past and his future outlook
31:50 Chet’s early aspirations
33:00 Chet on strict parenting
34:30 Chet on Sikh culture
36:30 Chet on the caste system and being a Jat
42:00 Chet on Indian laws
45:30 Would Chet live in India?
45:50 Chet and the chip shop incident
48:00 Chet on his first crime
49:10 Did Chet think he would get caught for smuggling steroids?
50:20 What did he think would happen if he got caught?
51:10 Getting caught and the aftermath
52:20 When did Chet first take steroids?
53:30 Chet on his steroid cycles
54:20 How did Chet feel on steroids?
55:00 How did Chet manage the aggression/energy?
56:40 The classification of steroids
58:40 Chet’s training and diet
1:05:10 Dealing with confrontation and street fighting
1:07:40 How does Chet think others perceive him?
1:09:10 How did Alpha CBD+ come about?
1:12:20 The potential benefits of CBD oil
1:14:30 Chet’s thoughts on ‘Alpha’
1:15:30 Chet’s pets
1:18:30 Chet’s thoughts on zoos
1:21:10 Chet’s thoughts on death and God
1:23:10 How has Chet evolved throughout his life?
1:24:50 Chet’s caring side
1:25:30 Being happier in jail
1:27:20 Chet on purpose
1:30:00 Chet on his legacy
1:31:50 Chet on success
1:33:10 Why Chet helps other children
1:35:50 Best piece of advice
1:38:50 Dealing with haters
1:39:50 Speaking to 20 year old self
1:45:00 Changing the world
You can find Chet at:
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Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
EP88: Dr David Hamilton - Using Science To Inspire
Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
Dr David Hamilton is a bestselling author, international speaker, award winning columnist and educator.
With a PhD in organic chemistry and background in the pharmaceutical industry, he became inspired by the placebo effect and left to write books and teach people how to harness their mind and emotions to improve their health.
He’s since written 10 books including, ‘The Little Book of Kindness’, ‘How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body’, ‘I Heart Me’ and the Amazon bestseller, ‘The Five Side Effects of Kindness’.
In addition to writing a regular blog on his website and blogs for the US Huffington Post, he is the ‘Kindness Tsar’ for Psychologies Magazine; monthly columnist for Soul & Spirit Magazine and in 2016, he was voted ‘Best writer’ by readers of Kindred Spirit Magazine.
As well as appearances on the likes of Channel 4’s ‘Sunday Brunch’, in the UK, and ‘CBS Sunday Morning’ in the US, he starred in the award-winning documentary 'HEAL - A film about the power of the mind' featuring some of the world's most highly regarded scientists and spiritual teachers.
Today he acts as an advocate for kindness and works passionately to help inspire a kinder world.
00:00 Trailer
00:30 Introduction
02:30 David’s early life
03:20 David’s career aspirations
06:00 David on doing his Phd
07:40 Working in the pharmaceutical industry
08:30 David’s views on the pharmaceutical industry
12:00 David on the placebo effect
13:40 Did David plan to focus his efforts purely on the placebo effect?
16:00 David’s early books
18:00 How does David come up with the content for his books and blogs?
19:30 How much time does David spend researching?
21:30 Destiny vs free will
25:30 Does David think some people have difficult lives for a reason (as in the soul’s journey)?
28:30 Does David think science will ever be able to prove this?
30:00 How did kindness become part of David’s work?
32:50 Why does David focus on kindness even though he knows it is a less popular topic?
35:30 Why does David think books on kindness are less popular?
39:50 Why does David think people aren’t kinder to themselves and others?
44:00 What does David need to do in order to be the best version of himself?
46:00 How does David know when he’s out of alignment?
55:30 How did David find out his dog Oscar had bone cancer?
58:30 The experience of Oscar passing over
1:01:00 What does David think happens when we pass?
1:03:30 How did David find out he was going to be part of the Netflix documentary Heal?
1:05:00 David speaks about his Personal Development Club
1:07:00 David’s goals for his Personal Development Club
1:09:00 David’s future plans
1:10:30 David’s revelations through maths
1:12:50 Science and spirituality
1:15:30 Division in society, politics and the media
1:20:00 David on his spiritual practices
1:22:40 David on his purpose
1:30:20 David on his legacy
1:31:10 How does David define success?
1:33:50 Best piece of advice
1:34:10 Speaking to 20 year old self
1:35:10 Does David believe in the idea of a multiverse?
1:36:30 Changing the world
You can find David at:
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Friday Feb 07, 2020
EP87: James W. Jesso - Adventures Through The Mind
Friday Feb 07, 2020
Friday Feb 07, 2020
James W. Jesso is a Canadian-born author, public speaker, educator, storyteller, podcast host and psychonaut.
His work is inspired by his healing path through depression, substance abuse, and trauma, and focuses on translating the profound insights of the psychedelic experience into a higher quality of life, for both the individual and society.
Since 2011 he’s delivered more than one hundred public speaking events spanning across eleven different countries. His two books, 'Decomposing The Shadow' and 'The True Light Of Darkness', present a model for working with the ‘magic’ psilocybin mushroom as an ally in personal transformation and developing psycho-spiritual maturity.
His articles, essays, interviews and lectures go far beyond just the psychedelic experience covering topics such as psychology, relationships, spirituality, consciousness, sexuality, nutrition and brain health.
His ‘Adventures Through The Mind’ podcast and youtube channel, is an effort to contribute to the psychedelic culture at large. Featuring interviews with luminaries in science, art, and culture across a range of disciplines, this platform expands his work into a more broad exploration of progressive social developments, and the potential role psychedelics might play within them.
00:00 Trailer
00:30 Introduction
02:20 James’ early life
03:30 James on what he was like as a child
05:50 Processing early childhood experiences
09:50 James on his aspirations
12:20 When did things in James’ life begin to change?
21:30 How would James describe a psychedelic experience to someone that’s never had one?
22:00 James’ most positive experience
24:40 How was James perceiving reality before vs after?
28:10 James on his worldview
29:05 The mainstream perception of psychedelics
36:00 In what way would the world be different if everyone had a psychedelic experience?
42:00 James’ thoughts on the term ‘God’
43:50 Advice James would give to anyone looking to self-fund their work
47:20 James on his purpose
50:20 James’ thoughts on death
54:50 James on the meaning of life
58:30 James on his legacy
1:00:00 James’ vision for his brand
1:04:00 James on his Fox News interview
1:07:10 How does James define success?
1:09:30 Best piece of advice
1:10:20 Speaking to 20 year old self
1:10:50 Changing the world
You can find James at:

Monday Dec 23, 2019
EP86: Konstantin Kisin - Political Correctness
Monday Dec 23, 2019
Monday Dec 23, 2019
Konstantin Kisin is multi-award winning comedian, podcaster, writer and social commentator. He made international headlines in 2018 by refusing to sign a “behavioural agreement form” for a London university gig which prohibited jokes about religion, transphobia, sexism, classism, ageism, ableism as well as seven other 'isms' and insisted that all humour must be “respectful and kind”.
A proud Russian-Brit, he is the current Jewish Comedian of the Year and has played at some of the UK's biggest comedy clubs, most recently performing his fantastic debut show 'Orwell That Ends Well' at the Edinburgh Fringe.
He’s also the creator and co-host of 'TRIGGERnometry' an online video interview show creating honest conversations with fascinating people. To date they’ve produced over 60 interviews with economists, political experts, journalists and social media personalities with a diverse array of social and political attitudes.
Described as 'an objective voice from the centre of the political spectrum' he’s appeared on the likes of BBC Breakfast, Good Morning Britain and Tucker Carlson Tonight; he’s a regular contributor to BBC, ITV, BBC Radio 5 Live and LoveSport, and he’s written for publications including The Telegraph, The Spectator, Quillette, Daily Mail and Spiked.
He’s also a regular host at Kil-ke-nomics, the best economics and comedy festival in the world.
00.00 Trailer
00.12 Introduction
03.30 Konstantin’s early life
06.30 How Konstantin determines mastery
07.30 Why did Konstantin decide to pursue comedy?
10.50 Becoming international headlines
15.00 How was Konstantin perceived on the back of this?
18.00 Political correctness and not being to say what you think
21.20 Why are certain topics so emotionally charged?
26.10 How can people cultivate a more nuanced perspective?
28.30 Feminism the real world meaning
31.30 Challenging ones own beliefs
37.50 What does being a Centrist mean today
40.20 How did TRIGGERnometry come about?
45.50 The function of the mainstream media
50.30 Konstantin’s favourite TRIGGERnometry episode
51.20 His vision for the brand
53.00 Being offensive vs free speech
54.30 Political correctness is fascism pretending to be manners
55.30 Political correctness is a manifestation of low self-esteem
58.10 Should anything be illegal to say?
1.02.30 People leveraging the mainstream media for personal gain
1.05.10 Konstantin on his purpose
1.07.20 What is the truth?
1.08.50 Konstantin on his legacy
1.12.00 How does Konstantin define success?
1.12.50 Quality of content vs subscribers/viewers
1.14.50 Best piece of advice
1.16.10 What failures are Konstantin planning for?
1.19.00 Speaking to 20 year old self
1.21.20 Becoming more open minded
1.24.00 Changing the world
You can find TRIGGERnometry at:
You can find Konstantin at:
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Friday Dec 06, 2019
EP85: Andrew Dobbie - MadeBrave
Friday Dec 06, 2019
Friday Dec 06, 2019
Andrew Dobbie is the Founder and Managing Director of MadeBrave; a multi award-winning brand led creative agency based in Glasgow, Edinburgh and London, that makes brands bigger, bolder and stronger.
Launched in 2012, he left his previous job with a two week old baby and just £1,000 of personal savings in the bank. Fast-forward to the present day and MadeBrave has grown to a team of 30 plus people with a client roster including the likes of Tennents, Magners, First Group, Medtronic, Vango and IBM; and partnerships with Google Digital Garage, TEDxGlasgow, Kiltwalk and Scottish EDGE.
In 2018, following the successful acquisition of Content Production Agency, Campfire, he established the BornOriginal Group, of which he’s CEO and Chairman. He also sits on the board of Park Circus, and TRC Media, he’s a Power of Youth Fellow, a Council Director at Glasgow Chamber of Commerce, an Ambassador of The Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice in Glasgow, and most recently he’s the Founder and Co-Host of ‘Just A Chat With’ - a video podcast talking brand and creativity with inspiring people who love and live it.
His mission is to inspire creativity in everyone, believing that branding and marketing doesn't need to be confusing, and he wants to help others bring their best ideas to life.
00.00 Trailer
00.12 Introduction
02.20 Andrew’s early life
07.00 Andrew’s path into the creative industries
08.50 Andrew on his career vision and how it unfolded
15.20 Andrew on starting his own venture
21.00 How the name MadeBrave came about
25.00 Starting MadeBrave in 2012 as opposed to what it would be like now
27.00 Using social media and viral campaigns
31.10 Growing the business without funding
35.10 The growth and expansion of the brand
41.50 Andrew on the term ‘entrepreneur’
43.10 Starting a podcast
47.40 The biggest lesson Andrew has learned from his podcast
49.00 The one person Andrew would most like to have on his show
50.40 Andrew on his favourite brand
52.20 How to make a brand bigger, bolder and stronger
53.50 Andrew on his purpose
55.30 Andrew on his legacy
57.30 The long term plans for MadeBrave
1.02.30 Andrew on his life goals
1.06.10 Changing Scottish business culture
1.08.50 Andrew on gaining press and media coverage
1.11.30 How does Andrew define success?
1.12.10 Best piece of advice
1.13.40 Andrew on imposter syndrome
1.14.30 Why are we here?
1.17.00 Andrew on VR and augmented reality
1.19.40 Andrew on meditation
1.21.20 The pressure to scale a business
1.22.50 Speaking to 20 year old self
1.25.20 Changing the world
You can find Andrew at:
You can find MadeBrave at:
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Sunday Nov 10, 2019
EP84: Peter Hitchens - The Key To Happiness
Sunday Nov 10, 2019
Sunday Nov 10, 2019
Peter Hitchens is a award winning journalist, author, broadcaster and renowned conservative polemicist. Having spent in excess of 40 years in Fleet Street, he has been a specialist reporter on education, labour and industry, politics, defence and diplomacy, as well as a resident correspondent in Moscow and Washington.
After being shortlisted in 2007 and 2009, he won the Orwell Prize in political journalism in 2010. He’s written for The Spectator and The American Conservative magazines, as well as The Guardian, Prospect, and the New Statesman. Now writing for The Mail on Sunday he has a weekly column and blog in which he debates directly with readers.
To date he has written eight books, including The Abolition of Britain, The Rage Against God, and The War We Never Fought. His most recent book, 'The Phoney Victory' was published in August 2018 and addresses the national myth of the Second World War, which he asserts did long-term damage to Britain and its position in the world.
A regular on British radio and television, he’s appeared on Question Time, Any Questions?, This Week, The Daily Politics and The Big Questions. He’s presented several documentaries on Channel 4 and in the late 1990s, he co-presented a programme on Talk Radio UK.
He has also visited nearly 60 countries during the course of his work.
00.00 Trailer
00.12 Introduction
04.00 What do people not ask Peter Hitchens that he wished they would?
04.40 What does Peter find interesting about himself?
05.40 Peter’s early life
07.30 Peter’s relationship with his parents
08.10 Peter’s thoughts on boarding school
10.30 Peter on losing his Mother
11.30 Peter on his University life
12.10 Peter’s career aspirations
13.30 Being taught what to think, not how to think
15.40 What are the things Peter says that people cannot tolerate?
17.00 How can we create a society that produces better thinkers?
21.00 Education system vs Parenting
22.10 Modern day Britain and it’s position in the world
26.00 Pessimism being the key to happiness
27.30 Peter on the why he opposes the legalisation of cannabis
36.30 Peter’s biggest regret
36.50 Peter on opposing ideas and having a conscience
38.40 How does Peter define God?
41.00 How does Peter think people perceive him?
41.40 Why does Peter think some people hate him?
42.30 How can you know if you’re right?
43.10 Peter on addiction
47.00 Spirituality and religion
47.50 Could God exist out with religion?
49.29 Peter on his purpose
51.20 Peter on open-mindedness
52.10 Peter on his legacy
52.30 What does Peter think his brother, Christopher Hitchens’ legacy is?
55.40 How does Peter define success?
55.50 Best piece of advice
56.50 Speaking to 20 year old self
57.20 Older and younger generation sharing knowledge
57.50 Changing the world
You can find Peter at:
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Friday Nov 01, 2019
EP83: Lisa Williams - Living With Purpose
Friday Nov 01, 2019
Friday Nov 01, 2019
Lisa Williams is a world renowned psychic medium, author, speaker, healer, and spiritual teacher.
As a child, she began to realise that she had an ability to “see” things that others couldn't. This would become her gift.
In 2004 she was discovered by American television host, media mogul, and creator of Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune, Merv Griffin.
This led to the commissioning of her own hit US TV shows, 'Lisa Williams: Life Among the Dead', and 'Voices from the Other Side' which aired on Lifetime TV, as well as 'Lisa Williams Live'. She’s since been watched across the world using her supernatural abilities, to speak with the dearly departed and send messages to the living.
She’s made countless other TV appearances and has featured on shows such as Oprah, Jimmy Kimmel Live, Good Morning America, Anderson Cooper 360, Keeping Up With The Kardashians and Studio 10.
She’s the founder of the Lisa Williams International School of Spiritual Development as well as “Soul Connections,” a network of chosen spiritual advisors. She’s also the author of several books including Life Among the Dead, The Survival of the Soul, I Speak to Dead People: Can You and Divine Wisdom.
Today, Lisa can be found online and off, on tour and in her classes, using her gift to bring comfort and healing to others.
00.00 Trailer
00.12 Introduction
02.30 Lisa’s thoughts on Edinburgh
03.20 Lisa’s early life
06.50 Lisa’s earliest memory of her gift
10.40 How does Lisa understand her gift now?
12.30 Lisa’s career aspirations
15.40 When did being a medium become Lisa’s path?
20.00 Did Lisa ever think she would become famous?
22.00 In what way has Lisa’s work evolved?
25.00 What is Lisa meant to achieve on a spiritual level during her time Earth?
27.30 What is the Earth plane?
30.50 How does Lisa connect with other realms?
35.40 Who is Lisa’s spirit?
37.20 How can people stay in a higher state of being?
44.30 What are some of the tools to help people evolve spiritually?
50.30 What does the word ‘Spirituality’ mean to Lisa?
54.00 Lisa’s thoughts on meditation and spiritual techniques?
55.20 Lisa on being vegan
59.40 Lisa on her online courses
1.01.00 What happens when we die?
1.04.30 Does Lisa think our exit point from this world is predetermined?
1.06.00 Lisa on her purpose
1.06.50 Lisa on her legacy
1.07.30 How does Lisa define success?
1.09.20 Does Lisa feel successful?
1.12.00 Lisa on staying young
1.15.00 Best piece of advice
1.17.30 Speaking to 20 year old self
1.22.10 Changing the world
You can find Lisa at:
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Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
EP82: Alan O'Mahony - Leaner, Fitter, Faster
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
Alan O’Mahony is a renowned personal trainer, fitness and fat loss expert, former professional muay thai fighter and podcaster.
He specialises in helping busy men over 30 get in shape and rediscover the joy in training.
He’s made a name for himself as one of the premier trainers in the UK, recognising early in his career that the real needs of his client's ran much deeper than training and meal plans.
Getting to the core of each of clients blockers and limiting beliefs has been the secret to his success.
00.00 Trailer
00.12 Introduction
01.40 Alan on his early life
03.10 Alan on Cork and Ireland
04.10 Alan’s career plans
07.30 Dieting down to 3% body fat
09.50 Lessons from muay thai
13.00 Alan’s physical transformation
14.30 Alan on breaking his back
17.20 Alan’s physical transformation continued
19.40 Alan’s approach to training and diet
21.40 Alan’s style on working with clients
26.20 Weight loss advice
29.50 Alan’s views on the supplement industry
32.30 Alan on his 30 Day Challenge
38.20 Alan’s thought on meal prepping
39.50 What are some of the misconceptions about Alan?
42.50 Why does Alan think people hold themselves back?
46.30 Alan on addiction
47.30 Why does Alan think obesity is such a problem today?
51.30 Alan’s favourite social media platform?
54.30 Alan on his style of content
58.00 Alan on meditation, cold showers and Wim Hof method
1.03.20 Who is Alan?
1.06.00 Alan on his purpose
1.07.40 What does it mean to be a man?
1.13.10 Alan on his legacy
1.14.20 How does Alan define success?
1.17.00 What are Alan’s future plans?
1.18.50 Alan on the term ‘personal trainer’
1.20.40 Best piece of advice
1.21.20 Speaking to 20 year old self
1.23.00 What would 20 year old Alan think of Alan now?
1.25.00 Changing the world
You can find Alan at:
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Monday Aug 26, 2019
EP81: Stephen Jenkinson - Die Wise
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Stephen Jenkinson is a Harvard educated theologian, culture activist, educator, and creator and principal instructor of the Orphan Wisdom School.
For years he headed the counselling team of Canada’s largest home-based palliative care programme and he was assistant professor at a prominent medical school. Working with hundreds of dying people and their families, care-givers, nurses, doctors and social workers he encountered the deep death phobia and grief illiteracy that exists in the West. This motivated him to redefine what it means to live, and die well.
He’s the author of several books including: How It All Could Be, Money and the Soul’s Desires, the award winning Die Wise: A Manifesto for Sanity and Soul, and Come of Age: The Case of Elderhood in a Time of Trouble. He’s also the subject of the National Film Board of Canada documentary, Griefwalker, a lyrical, poetic portrait of his work with dying people.
Most recently, he has been performing his Nights of Grief & Mystery Tour, a rich and powerfully nuanced evening woven together by deep storytelling, wondering and music, to sold out venues across three continents
00.00 Trailer
00.12 Introduction
02.00 What do people never ask Stephen that he wishes they would?
03.50 Stephen on his communication
08.50 How do you communicate to someone that they are dying?
11.40 What does a good death look like?
16.30 What does the word God mean to Stephen?
19.10 Why does Stephen think age intolerance exists today?
25.20 The degradation of culture
31.20 Stephen on his ancestry
34.40 Stephen on his purpose
40.30 Stephen on his legacy
41.20 What kind of imprint has witnessing so many deaths left on Stephen’s psyche?
44.20 How does Stephen define success?
46.40 Best piece of advice
48.30 Speaking to 20 year old self
49.50 Changing the world
51.40 Being the change you want to see in the world
You can find Stephen at:
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Thursday Aug 22, 2019
EP80: Bob Keiller CBE - Inspiring Entrepreneurship
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Bob Keiller CBE is one of the most highly regarded and well respected figures in Scottish and British Business.
He is the former Chief Executive of Wood Group, a multinational energy services company which generates in excess of $10 billion in revenue, employs more than 55 thousand people and operates in over 60 countries.
In December 2015 he assumed the role as Chairman of Scotland's national economic development agency, Scottish Enterprise, a role which he served for three years, stepping down at the end of 2018.
He was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire in 2017, for services to business and entrepreneurship, and in addition to a host of previous accolades such as Entrepreneur of The Year, Scottish Businessman of the year, and being inducted into Entrepreneurial Scotland's Hall of Fame, he was named as Scotland’s “icon of the year” in the 2018 Barclays Entrepreneur Awards.
He’s a TEDx speaker, a LinkedIn Influencer with more than 155,000 followers, Chief Storytelling Officer at The Lens, and he now acts as a Business Advisor through his consultancy firm, AB15, where he works with companies, ambitious leaders and social enterprises, with the focus of inspiring others to succeed.
00.00 Trailer
00.12 Introduction
01.50 Bob’s early life
05.30 Bob’s career path
11.50 How did Bob evolve from someone managing 2 people to managing over 40,000
13.50 How did Bob navigate his way to the position of CEO?
16.50 Who was Bob’s best boss?
18.10 Why are core values so important?
19.50 Do core values define culture?
20.30 Delineating and implementing a businesses values
23.00 Should people be dismissed if they don’t adhere to values?
24.00 How did Bob’s specialities become his specialities?
27.00 Helping people and businesses on a pro bono basis rather than taking a position on a board
28.20 Bob on not being driven by ego
29.50 How Bob became an Influencer on LinkedIn
32.40 First things a new business should do
35.00 Using technology to grow a business
36.30 Business in Scotland
39.00 Geography as a limitation to funding a startup
41.30 Bob on his personal values
43.20 Bob on his purpose
45.50 Bob’s approach to business storytelling
49.10 What does the future hold for Bob?
50.30 Bob on his legacy
51.30 How does Bob define success?
52.30 Best piece of advice
55.00 Speaking to 20 year old self
56.20 Changing the world
You can find Bob at:
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